Friday, December 19, 2008

My Shoes are to tight

This quote comes from a great Sci-FI series called Babylon 5. One of the ambassadors is talking with his assistant and tells a story of his Uncle who is found crying. When asked what is wrong he responds "My shoes are to tight but it does not matter I because I have forgotten how to dance" The ambassador says "I did not understand what that meant at the time but I do now because my shoes are to tight and it doesn't matter because I have forgotten how to dance."

This quote really encapsulates one of the great tragedies in life, being so wrapped up in accomplishing things that we forget to find joy in living. Like my brothers and sisters I have been thinking about my Dad alot who passed away 8 years ago. One day we were talking and he told me "son do not get so caught in the future of what could be that you forget to enjoy where you are right now." My father lived large, he laughed large and he made an impact on all those who knew him. He was a great example living in the present.

This time of year I like to look at where I am in life, what I have accomplished and what the future holds. I encourage everyone reading to do the same, your shoes may fit now but if you are not careful you may forget how to dance.

Friday, December 5, 2008

My Very First Blog

So I've decided to start a blog. Coming up with a name for my blog was tougher than I thought it would be. I tried to think of a title that would capture what I was really about.

Years ago I was taking a management class, in this class we were given a personality assessment test. The test was suppose to help us understand the types of careers that best fit our personality. The results came in the form of a bar graph. Most of the students had high results in one or two areas. As the instructor explained what scoring high in each area meant I noticed that all of the areas in my results were the same. At the end of class I went to the instructor and asked her to explain my results to me. She took one look at my results and said "You are one of those" I was confused so she continued "you're a kid in a candy store" According to my test results I can be happy with many career paths because I find enjoyment in a wide array of things.

In my life I have always been involved with a variety of things. In high school it was sports, debate and music. Now that I've grown up (well I'm an adult anyway) I've served on planning commissions, as an officer in my professional association and run for political office. I play video games and coach football. I manage a fleet and I sell real estate. I even volunteer for the boy scouts. I like Technology, Sci-Fi and old movies. My blog will reflect this dichotomy of activities and you will never know what could end up on these pages.

With a life that is full of many choices I am just one big kid in a candy store.