Thursday, December 22, 2011

School = Done

The first week in December I finished my last final.  It was a great feeling to be done and now I am just waiting for my grades.  It has been interesting for the last couple of weeks.  I get home at a decent time and am not sure what to do with my self without studding or projects to complete.  This seems like a good time to summarize what I learned over the last 5 semesters.

  1. The entire congress needs to sit through some basic economics courses. (most elected officials for that matter)  As a country we would not be in the mess we are in now if  our leaders understood supply and demand and other basic economic principles.
  2. The teacher matters.
    1. I had 3 instructors that I would never take a class from again and they have no business teaching in a university setting.
    2. I had 3 that I would re-arrange my schedule to make sure they were my instructor because they were that good.
    3. The rest were somewhere in between that.
    4. Student should be able to get a partial refund when they are given a completely incompetent instructor.
  3. Text books are still a rip off and students need to find a way to rebel and stop buying them as much as possible.
  4. It is possible to have a class change your life and views (even at my age)
  5. Life long learning is critical to life, you are either growing or dieing.
 I have been asked what are you going to do now that you have graduated?  I'm mulling over several ideas now expect to read about that further in future blog post.

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